Ericksonian Hypnosis

This work is based on the belief that our behavior is governed by both our conscious desires and our unconscious beliefs- hypnosis merges the two states.  The key to hypnosis is connecting individuals to the information that they already posses but are no longer connected to.

Hypnosis most simply, is removing the barriers between what an individual already has inside of them and bringing it from the unconscious to the conscious. Hypnosis is the medium and the therapist serves as the guide. 

Dr. Marsha Shelov has done this work for over 15 years and been able to help patients access these aspects of themselves that they no longer were able to feel and see.


Yoga and Mind-Body Work

All of us that are a part of the Shelov Psychology group believe in the power of the mind-body connection.  We all support meditation, yoga and exercise to help alleviate the anxiety and stresses that we are all experiencing now. As Dr. Danielle Shelov researched in her her doctoral work, the positive impact of yoga on mood state is profound. We will encourage our patients to do these exercises between sessions and help guide them towards practices they can do in between sessions and assist in drawing connections between their practices and their emotional state.